jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: becas JAE Predoc 2011

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Institución:Instituto de Quimica Avanzada de Cataluña (C.S.I.C.)
Contacto correo-e:angel.guerrero@iqac.csic.es
We seek candidates to apply for a JAE-Predoc 2011 grant to implement a Ph.D. thesis on new specific, environmentally-friendly, control methods of insect pests. The grant is for 4 years (2 as fellowship and 2 more as contract) with an initial salary of 14.400 euros per year. The project deals with the development of natural attractants and evaluation of their biological activity in electrophysiology and behavioral assays in the laboratory and in the field. We offer a multidisciplinary formation both in basic and applied research with the possibility of stays in foreign institutions for complementary studies. We are pioneer in Spain in the field of insect sex pheromones, attractants and inhibitors, and the enzymes involved in their perception and degradation processes. For an overview to the history of our group, please visit http://www.iiqab.csic.es/chemecol/ The period for the application is up to March 5, 2011. Please, consult BOE of 3 February (pag. 11990-12001) for details of the call.

Requirements: Candidates should have a B.Sc./M.Sc. in Biology or Biochemistry and have finished their studies after January 1, 2008. They should prove a high motivation for research and good knowledge in Entomology and written and spoken English. The average academic qualification of the B.Sc. studies to apply for the grant should be higher than 2.4 (scale 1-4). Please, refrain candidates not meeting these requirements.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Please, send curriculum vitae including academic marks and references to Dr. Angel Guerrero (IQAC, CSIC). Tel. +34- 93-4006120. E-mail: angel.guerrero@iqac.csic.es.

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