jueves, 31 de julio de 2014
[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Beca para tesis doctoral sobre especiaci=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=C3=B3n_?=metales
AVISO: Las ofertas de OFER-TRABEC contienen un contacto con una dirección
de correo contrastadas por RedIRIS: universidades, empresas o instituciones .
En alguna ocasión y con el ánimo de ayudar, OFER-TRABEC distribuye ofertas
con direcciones genéricas (gmail,hotmail,gmx etc), RedIRIS recomienda
precaución con estas ofertas.
(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
(Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio).
Institución:Universitat de Lleida
Contacto correo-e:galceran@quimica.udl.cat
Grant for a PhD thesis on Metal Speciation
(PhD position)
The thesis will continue the development of DGT (Diffusion Gradients in Thin Films) while comparing and improving other emerging analytical techniques (DMT, AGNES, etc.), to gain an understanding of the distribution of a metal ion in its chemical forms and the ensuing (bio)availability. Possible applications: environmental, toxicological and agrifood studies (from dissolution of nanoparticles in natural waters to the impact of metals on the quality of wine). Most of the thesis will have an experimental focus, although theoretical components might be included following the interests of the candidate.
Salary (before taxes): 14400 Euro first year; 15600 Euro 2nd and 3rd years.
Period of the grant: 3 years.
Deadline for application: 22 September 2014 (but some steps should be carried out before that).
The hosting research group in the Universitat de Lleida (Catalonia, Spain) has published ca. 50 articles in high impact journals since 2008.
Requirements for the candidates: Very good marks in a degree in Chemistry, Physics, Engineering, Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences or other fields related with Analytical and Physical Chemistry. The Master studies must be finished in the period 1 Jan 2012 to 30 Sep 2014 or Degree with 300 ECTS. Fluent English. High motivation for research.
Applications should be sent to galceran@quimica.udl.cat with: i) a very complete CV (including photo and mails and telephones of 2 or 3 possible scientists for references), ii) a motivation letter, iii) the list of the subjects followed in the degree (and in the master) with qualifications and number of credits (university certificates) iv) (highest) certificate of English knowledge and v) a summary (between 0.5 and 2 pages long) of the (research) Master thesis (project or equivalent).
Información complementaria de la oferta:
More information: (34) 973 70 28 26 and www.udl.es/usuaris/q4088428 (see Publications, Photos, Fellowships, etc. )
Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:
Jornada y Seminarios para emprendedores en Septiembre
Boletin aimme.es Nº 710
![]() | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
![]() AIMME prueba la resistencia de los grifos de cerveza con ensayos de más de 6 días de duraciónChiringuitos de playa con sal, humedad, arena, sol; terrazas de verano con temperaturas de 40 grados; verbenas populares; bares y tascas diseminados por todo el país. En cada uno de estos lugares hay un factor común: el grifo de cerveza. ![]() AIMME asesora al Cluster de Joyería de Jalisco para su adaptación a la legislación europeaEl Responsable del Laboratorio de Ensayo y Contraste de Metales Preciosos del Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico, Gaspar Lloret, ha viajado dos veces a Guadalajara para conocer la situación del sector. ![]() Los Arquitectos Técnicos, Aparejadores e Ingenieros en Edificación colegiados dispondrán de un 6% de descuento en los Másteres AIMME-UCVEl pasado mes de mayo se firmó entre el Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores, Arquitectos Técnicos e Ingenieros de Edificación de Valencia, la Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir - UCV y el Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico - AIMME, un convenio de colaboración en el ámbito de la formación universitaria que AIMME y UCV ofrecen conjuntamente. ![]() El boletín de AIMME volverá en septiembre con nuevas noticias del sectorEl boletín de AIMME descansará durante el mes de agosto y volverá de nuevo en septiembre con más noticias e información de interés para el sector metalmecánico. | ![]() Oferta formativa del Laboratorio de Luminarias de AIMME para el tercer cuatrimestre de 2014Puede descargar desde aquí la oferta formativa del Laboratorio de Luminarias de AIMME para el tercer cuatrimestre de 2014, que comienza el próximo 23 de Septiembre. ![]() Diseño con SOLIDWORKS 3D 2014Fecha de inicio: 15/09/2014.Ciclo formativo de grado medio de Técnico en tratamientos superficiales y térmicosFecha de inicio: 22/09/2014.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería del Tratamiento y Reciclaje de Aguas Residuales Industriales (Valencia)Fecha de inicio: 14/10/2014.Máster universitario en Gestión de Sistemas de Calidad, Medio Ambiente y Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (Valencia)Fecha de inicio: 16/10/2014.
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Esta información la reciben por email un total de 12.558 empresas suscritas, con permiso explícito para recibir publicidad (email marketing o publicidad solicitada). Si desea darse de baja, puede hacerlo desde aquí. |
[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: R&D leader of product division in laser company
AVISO: Las ofertas de OFER-TRABEC contienen un contacto con una dirección
de correo contrastadas por RedIRIS: universidades, empresas o instituciones .
En alguna ocasión y con el ánimo de ayudar, OFER-TRABEC distribuye ofertas
con direcciones genéricas (gmail,hotmail,gmx etc), RedIRIS recomienda
precaución con estas ofertas.
(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
(Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio).
Institución:Monocrom S.L.
Contacto correo-e:j.garcia@monocrom.com
We offer a position as R&D leader of one of our product division: Diode-pumped solid state lasers.
Technical profile, but not limited to:
- Physician
- Engineer (laser, optics)
Required skills on:
- 3D design (Autocad/Solid Works/Solid Edge...)
- Laser resonator design (LASCAD or similar)
- Optical design (ZEMAX, CODE V or similar)
- Laser and Optics
- Optics laboratory instrumentation (spectrometry, signal processing and measurement, interferometry etc.).
- Document process (word, excel, etc.)
- Work under clean room environment.
Language level (according to CEFR criteria):
- English (C1)
- Catalan (B2)
- Spanish (B2)
- Compulsory to demonstrate experience on the field of laser/optics fabrication and or research.
- Knowledge on active media, optical pumping, diode lasers, pulsed-lasers, fibre delivery, resonator alignment, optical design and beam management.
Other requirements:
- Availability to travel
- Flexibility according to production peaks
- Flexibility for a changing environment (adaption to new market needs, organization changes)
Emotional skills:
- Proactive
- Responsible
- Positive management of emotions
- Team attitude
- Good communicator
- Aim to learn
Additionel knowledge:
- Other languages (German, French, Russian...)
- Management of funded projects (FP7 or similar)
Duties and responsibilities:
- Update and improvement of current products, from its performance and production point of view.
- Qualification of current products under development.
- Development of new products.
- Give support to ongoing projects related to the product division, and leadership of new ones.
- Support to production regarding ongoing orders involving products of the division.
- Work offenly done under clean room conditions.
What we offer:
- Respectful and friendly environment.
- No special requirements regarding cloth or physical appearance (except for congress, fairs attendance, relation with customers and other situations that demand it).
- Extra work time compensated by free hours.
- Legal workframe: Convenio siderometalúrgico de la provincia de Barcelona.
- Continuous learning,
Salary (annual, including taxes) and acceptance timeline:
- 1ª phase: test and training, 6 months (24-26 k€ according to experience)
- 2ª phase: autonomous operation, 6 months (to be negotiated)
- 3ª phase: : permanent position (contrato indefinido) (to be negotiated)
- Further salary increase under legal workframe rules, and bi-lateral negotiation with the company.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Starting date:
- September 2014
Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:
[Ofertas con perfil "Telecomunicaciones"] Database administrator at Ingenia Telecom [T027-2014]
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2014-07-31 09:46:51.316948+02
Database Administrator at Ingenia Telecom
Location: VALENCIA
The database administrator will be responsible for the performance, integrity and security of the database. Planning, development and troubleshooting will be also his/her goal.
- Designing and developing database architectures.
- Establishing the needs of users and monitoring user access and security
- Monitoring and analysis of performance, managing parameters to provide fast query responses to front-end users
- Refining the physical design to meet system storage requirements, working closely with IT, database programmers and multimedia programmers
- Rnsuring that storage, archiving, back-up and recovery procedures are functioning correctly
- Communicating regularly with technical, applications and operational staff to ensure database integrity and security
- Installing and testing new versions of the Database Management Systems.
- Telecommunications or Computer Science Master Degree
- Proven knowledge using T- SQL Server
- Other database engine will be valued (Oracle, MySQL, non-SQL Database, etc)
- Programming Languages C# and C++ valued
- Experience in working with high load and availability environments (Windows Platform)
- Fluent in English (both written and spoken)
The candidate should be teamwork and problem solving oriented, self driver, proactive and dynamic. Organizational and analytical behaviors are also required values.
Applications to be sent to: rrhh@ingenia-telecom.com (Reference: DBAdmin)¿Recibe demasiados correos? Administre sus notificaciones en: http://aulavirtual.uv.es/notifications/manage
[Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"] Database administrator at Ingenia Telecom...
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2014-07-31 09:45:29.834019+02
Database Administrator at Ingenia Telecom
Location: VALENCIA
The database administrator will be responsible for the performance, integrity and security of the database. Planning, development and troubleshooting will be also his/her goal.
- Designing and developing database architectures.
- Establishing the needs of users and monitoring user access and security
- Monitoring and analysis of performance, managing parameters to provide fast query responses to front-end users
- Refining the physical design to meet system storage requirements, working closely with IT, database programmers and multimedia programmers
- Rnsuring that storage, archiving, back-up and recovery procedures are functioning correctly
- Communicating regularly with technical, applications and operational staff to ensure database integrity and security
- Installing and testing new versions of the Database Management Systems.
- Telecommunications or Computer Science Master Degree
- Proven knowledge using T- SQL Server
- Other database engine will be valued (Oracle, MySQL, non-SQL Database, etc)
- Programming Languages C# and C++ valued
- Experience in working with high load and availability environments (Windows Platform)
- Fluent in English (both written and spoken)
The candidate should be teamwork and problem solving oriented, self driver, proactive and dynamic. Organizational and analytical behaviors are also required values.
Applications to be sent to: rrhh@ingenia-telecom.com (Reference: DBAdmin)
¿Recibe demasiados correos? Administre sus notificaciones en: http://aulavirtual.uv.es/notifications/manage
[Ofertas con perfil "Telecomunicaciones"] Sw testing engineer (Valencia) at Ingenia Telecom...
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2014-07-31 09:35:17.253415+02
Software Testing Engineer at Ingenia Telecom
Department: R&D DEPARTMENT
Location: VALENCIA
Title: Software Testing Engineer (Valencia)
- Ingenia Telecom & Astellia Company, is a technology-based company focused on product development and specialized consulting and optimization services to large network operators in mobile Communications.
- Ingenia Telecom has an important R&D department to develop 24x7 real-time products for network monitoring, network optimization (GSM/UMTS/LTE) and customer-centric analysis.
- R&D team is going through an expansion phase, recruiting new Telecommunications or Computer Science engineers.
If you enjoy building high performance, high available and highly scalable back end systems then this is the job for you.
- Expertise in SW testing methodologies, tools and processes
- Expertise using Testing toolset modules and environments like Visual Studio Test Professional
- Definition of Test Strategy and Traceability
- Verification of Functional Analysis Documentation
- Use Case Design and Definition
- Defects Management
- Use Case and Test Environment Requirements Specification
- Test Results Analysis and Control
- Test Results and Defects Report definition
- Telecommunications or Computer Science Master Degree
- High level of expertise in SW development techniques
- Proven knowledge using Visual Studio Test Professional toolset or similar.
- Experience in Functional Use Case Execution, Integration Unit Tests Execution and Stress Testing Execution
- Programming Languages C# and C++
- Mobile network technologies knowledge like GSM/GPRS, UMTS and LTE is an added value not a must
- Fluent in English
- Availability to travel
The candidate should be teamwork and problem solving oriented, self driver, proactive and dynamic. Organizational and analytical behaviors are also required values.
Applications to be sent to: rrhh@ingenia-telecom.com (Reference: QA SW)¿Recibe demasiados correos? Administre sus notificaciones en: http://aulavirtual.uv.es/notifications/manage
[Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"] Sw testing engineer (Valencia) at Ingenia Telecom...
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2014-07-31 09:33:09.638604+02
Software Testing Engineer at Ingenia Telecom
Department: R&D DEPARTMENT
Location: VALENCIA
Title: Software Testing Engineer (Valencia)
- Ingenia Telecom & Astellia Company, is a technology-based company focused on product development and specialized consulting and optimization services to large network operators in mobile Communications.
- Ingenia Telecom has an important R&D department to develop 24x7 real-time products for network monitoring, network optimization (GSM/UMTS/LTE) and customer-centric analysis.
- R&D team is going through an expansion phase, recruiting new Telecommunications or Computer Science engineers.
If you enjoy building high performance, high available and highly scalable back end systems then this is the job for you.
- Expertise in SW testing methodologies, tools and processes
- Expertise using Testing toolset modules and environments like Visual Studio Test Professional
- Definition of Test Strategy and Traceability
- Verification of Functional Analysis Documentation
- Use Case Design and Definition
- Defects Management
- Use Case and Test Environment Requirements Specification
- Test Results Analysis and Control
- Test Results and Defects Report definition
- Telecommunications or Computer Science Master Degree
- High level of expertise in SW development techniques
- Proven knowledge using Visual Studio Test Professional toolset or similar.
- Experience in Functional Use Case Execution, Integration Unit Tests Execution and Stress Testing Execution
- Programming Languages C# and C++
- Mobile network technologies knowledge like GSM/GPRS, UMTS and LTE is an added value not a must
- Fluent in English
- Availability to travel
The candidate should be teamwork and problem solving oriented, self driver, proactive and dynamic. Organizational and analytical behaviors are also required values.
Applications to be sent to: rrhh@ingenia-telecom.com (Reference: QA SW)
¿Recibe demasiados correos? Administre sus notificaciones en: http://aulavirtual.uv.es/notifications/manage
[Ofertas con perfil "Telecomunicaciones"] Software developer at Ingenia Telecom [T025-2014]
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2014-07-31 09:24:53.513431+02
Software Developer at Ingenia Telecom
Department: R&D DEPARTMENT
- Ingenia Telecom & Astellia Company, is a technology-based company focused on product development and specialized consulting and optimization services to large network operators in mobile Communications.
- Ingenia Telecom has an important R&D department to develop 24x7 real-time products for network monitoring, network optimization (GSM/UMTS/LTE) and customer-centric analysis.
- R&D team is going through an expansion phase, recruiting new Telecommunications or Computer Science engineers.
If you enjoy building high performance, high available and highly scalable back end systems then this is the job for you.
- Definition, development and implementation of optimization algorithms
- Participate in the Development of a real-time platform to work with big data. Ensure that the real time system works efficiently.
- Work actively in the development and stabilization of the platform 24x7 and ensure its smooth operation for large volumes of data (Big Data).
- Conduct unit testing, work with assigned QA staff and/or client project manager to coordinate/assist in user testing procedures. Develop documentation as appropriate.
- Coordinate or perform installation of software systems as needed.
- Work with on-site or internal project managers or analysts to review problems, define and test solutions, and develop reports for user management.
- Responsible for analysis of current programs including performance, diagnosis and troubleshooting of problem programs, and designing solutions to problematic programming.
- Provide assistance to testers and support personnel as needed to determine system problems and identify affected functionalities that require testing.
Telecommunications or Computer Science Master Degree. Experience in the following technologies:
- C++ & C#
- .NET Framework
- SQL (value added)
Others valued:
Mobile network technologies knowledge like GSM,UMTS and LTE. It?d be highly appreciated to have participated in real time tools development using the languages ??mentioned. Ability to find and help fix performance, scalability, and other live issues in a production and critical environment.
- Knowledge of OpenGeo Suite (GeoServer, PostGIS) or equivalent system
- Good knowledge of MVVM pattern, XAML design and Entity Framework
Applications to be sent to: rrhh@ingenia-telecom.com (Reference: SW DEVELOPER)
¿Recibe demasiados correos? Administre sus notificaciones en: http://aulavirtual.uv.es/notifications/manage
[Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"] Software developer at Ingenia Telecom [I070-2014]
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2014-07-31 09:23:24.898246+02
Software Developer at Ingenia Telecom
Department: R&D DEPARTMENT
- Ingenia Telecom & Astellia Company, is a technology-based company focused on product development and specialized consulting and optimization services to large network operators in mobile Communications.
- Ingenia Telecom has an important R&D department to develop 24x7 real-time products for network monitoring, network optimization (GSM/UMTS/LTE) and customer-centric analysis.
- R&D team is going through an expansion phase, recruiting new Telecommunications or Computer Science engineers.
If you enjoy building high performance, high available and highly scalable back end systems then this is the job for you.
- Definition, development and implementation of optimization algorithms
- Participate in the Development of a real-time platform to work with big data. Ensure that the real time system works efficiently.
- Work actively in the development and stabilization of the platform 24x7 and ensure its smooth operation for large volumes of data (Big Data).
- Conduct unit testing, work with assigned QA staff and/or client project manager to coordinate/assist in user testing procedures. Develop documentation as appropriate.
- Coordinate or perform installation of software systems as needed.
- Work with on-site or internal project managers or analysts to review problems, define and test solutions, and develop reports for user management.
- Responsible for analysis of current programs including performance, diagnosis and troubleshooting of problem programs, and designing solutions to problematic programming.
- Provide assistance to testers and support personnel as needed to determine system problems and identify affected functionalities that require testing.
Telecommunications or Computer Science Master Degree. Experience in the following technologies:
- C++ & C#
- .NET Framework
- SQL (value added)
Others valued:
Mobile network technologies knowledge like GSM,UMTS and LTE. It?d be highly appreciated to have participated in real time tools development using the languages ??mentioned. Ability to find and help fix performance, scalability, and other live issues in a production and critical environment.
- Knowledge of OpenGeo Suite (GeoServer, PostGIS) or equivalent system
- Good knowledge of MVVM pattern, XAML design and Entity Framework
Applications to be sent to: rrhh@ingenia-telecom.com (Reference: SW DEVELOPER)
¿Recibe demasiados correos? Administre sus notificaciones en: http://aulavirtual.uv.es/notifications/manage
miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014
University jobs in Sciences - General, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Biology - General, and other related areas
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Dear Colleague, This week's issue of AcademicKeys' e-Flier for Sciences features 59 faculty openings, 17 senior administrative positions, and 16 post-doc opportunities and links to hundreds more positions in higher education. This AcademicKeys e-Flier contains higher education positions in:
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-- Andrea McCarthy amccarthy@AcademicKeys.com AcademicKeys.com 1066 Storrs Road, Suite D Storrs, CT 06268 USA 1.860.429.0218 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |