viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016
[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Postdoc position
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
Institución:Universidad de Burgos
PostDoc Position at Burgos University, Spain
We offer a full time postdoc position assigned to the project: "PCM's technological development: a global approach"
Applications until October 8th, 2016
Duties and responsibilities
• Running of ongoing research on the line "Computational Modelling in phase change heat transfer processes for thermal energy storage".
• Support to the design and construction of prototypes of PVT hybrid panels
• Support for commissioning and maintenance of experimental facilities.
• Writing reports on research results and management of scientific publications under order and supervision of the P.I.
We offer
• 20 months contract
• Estimated gross salary 2500 €/month
• Opportunity to participate in the development of research activities within a motivated and multidisciplinary team.
• Possibility to develop an academic career on the Spanish University System
• Professional advancement and personal growth.
Profile requested
• Doctoral Degree completed no before January, 1st, 2014
• Experience in CFD (mainly Fluent Ansys).
• Proven technical and management skills.
• Strong interpersonal and communication skills, self-motivation and attitude to team working.
• Knowledge of English Language and Spanish
Applications should be sent to:
Registro General de la Universidad de Burgos,
Edificio de Administración y Servicios,
Juan de Austria, 1,
09001 Burgos, Spain
(Att. Cristina Alonso Tristán)
or by any of the procedures established by the Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November on the Legal Regime of Public Administration and Common Administrative Procedure
Información complementaria de la oferta:
La tardor ja es nota al Botànic!
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1-2 Oct | TROBADA: CACTUS I SUCULENTES PER A TOTS! Aquest cap de setmana no et pots perdre la V Trobada de Cactus i Suculentes | ||||||
organitzada per ACYS. Comptarem amb venda d'exemplars i visites guiades per les col·leccions del Botànic per part de planteristes i guies especialitzats, respectivament. Una cita imprescindible per conèixer les plantes més espinoses del món vegetal. | |||||||
+ saber més | |||||||
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1 Oct | JORNADA: FOTOGRAFIA DE NATURA AMB JUAN TAPIA En col·laboració amb Foro | 5 Oct | CONFERÈNCIA: 25 ANYS D'EVEREST 1991 Commemorem els 25 anys de | ||||
Valencia Foto, aquest dissabte acollim una masterclass del conegut i guardonat fotògraf Juan Tapia, guanyador del premi Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015. Entrada gratuïta! | l'arribada a la cima de l'Everest dels primers valencians amb una conferència amb els protagonistes en què compartiran tots els detalls, reptes i contratemps viscuts en aquesta aventura èpica. | ||||||
+ saber més | + saber més | ||||||
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23 Oct | EXCURSIÓ: EL CANÓ DEL RIU ALCALÀ Aquesta nova jornada de De ruta | 17 - 26 Oct | CURS: FARMÀCIA NATURAL El timó és un potent antisèptic i l'equinàcia a ajuda a enfortir el | ||||
amb el Botànic, començarà a Mora de Rubielos, baixarà al canó del riu Alcalà per, entre pinedes i vegetació de ribera, arribar a Alcalà de la Selva. Queden places lliures! | sistema immunitari. Són herbes per a la salut: plantes medicinals que contenen principis actius que prevenen i guareixen malalties comunes. Coneix-les a fons! | ||||||
+saber més | + saber més | ||||||
Estàs subscrit al newsletter del Jardí Botànic. Si vols donar-te de baixa has de enviar un correu electrònic a indicant a l'assumpte "Baixa en cultura-jardibot". Moltes gràcies
-- Eva Pastor Serra Gabinet de Cultura botànica i Comunicació Jardí Botànic de la Universitat de València c/Quart, 80. 46008 València tlf. (+34) 96 315 68 06 fax. (+34) 96 315 68 26 @EvaBotanic @JardiBotanicUV CLÀUSULA DE CONFIDENCIALITAT Aquest missatge ha estat generat des d'un compte de la Universitat de València per a les finalitats pròpies de la institució. El seu contingut es considera confidencial i, llevat que la seua naturalesa així ho exigisca, no se'n permet la reproducció o distribució sense autorització expressa. Si heu rebut indegudament el correu, us demanem que advertiu d'aquest fet al remitent i que l'elimineu. En el lloc web institucional de la Universitat de València podeu consultar les nostres condicions d'ús i polítiques de privacitat pel que fa a l'enviament de correu electrònic (, Podeu comunicar qualsevol incidència relacionada amb la recepció dels nostres correus electrònics, i en particular aquelles que es relacionen amb la seguretat i la confidencialitat, mitjançant
[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Research Assistant position in Communication Netwo
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
Institución:Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
The Communication Networks Division of the CTTC is searching for interested candidates in a Research Assistant position in its Optical Networks and Systems Department. We offer a position in a research oriented team, exploring new technologies and their applicability in future transport networks, working in the scope of national and international research projects while developing testbeds and proof-of-concept prototypes. For more information about the Department, please refer to
The candidate must have in-depth knowledge and experience in the development of networked systems in C/C++ and Java, in GNU/Linux environments, as well as system administration and development tools.
• Programming Languages C/C++ and Java
• Linux systems programming and administration.
• Knowledge of networking.
• Strong motivation and desire to learn and explore new technologies.
• Good analysis, problem solving, organizational and multi-tasking skills.
• High level of English.
• Technical writing.
• Scripting languages (e.g., Python, Perl, Bash).
• Web programming (e.g., Javascript).
• Software Defined Networking and Virtualization Technologies.
• Previous experience in platforms such as OpenStack, Open Daylight, OSM, OPNFV, …
Applicants must hold an MSc/Engineering degree in computer science, telecommunications, or related fields. Experience in R&D or industrial projects carried out in the context of research institutions or industry is appreciated.
The position is full time, linked to the duration of the DESTELLO project ( Profiles with different levels of work experience are sought. The rank and gross salary, in the range 18,000-24,000€/year, will be determined according to qualifications and work experience. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae in PDF format through this online application
CVs and any other information gathered during this process will be handled confidentially.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), in Castelldefels – Barcelona, is a growing and well-funded research institution fostering excellence and diversity. CTTC offers a highly international environment at an exceptionally attractive location. As a research center in telecommunications technologies CTTC provides a fertile environment for research cooperation and innovation between different disciplines.
CTTC seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.
CTTC is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals.
[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: PostDoc vacancy. NEXTOWER project.
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
Concentrated solar power (CSP) systems generate solar power by using mirrors or lenses to concentrate a
large area of sunlight, or solar thermal energy, onto a small area. Electricity is generated when the
concentrated light is converted to heat, which drives a heat engine connected to an electrical power
generator or powers a thermo-chemical reaction. The component that receives the concentrated sunlight,
called the receiver, is subject to thermal cycles and high thermal gradients, which can lead to internal
failure of the component, thus reducing its lifetime. Therefore, comprehensive knowledge of the
underlying physical and chemical processes to which the receiver is subjected are fundamental for
improving its design and lifetime.
The Excellence Research Center ICCRAM ( has a 24 month PostDoc
vacancy for the design, characterization, and modeling of (ceramic- or metal-based) receivers used in
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants. On the one hand, the PostDoc candidate will perform tasks
related to the engineering design of both the damage-tolerance materials as well as the receiver
component, using thermo-structural, thermodynamic, and CFD modeling at multiple time- and lengthscales.
On the other hand, the candidate will be involved in experimental characterization to determine thermophysical
properties, thermo-mechanical resistance, thermal shock resistance, and mechanical performance
and durability of both the materials and the receiver component. The PostDoc candidate will be integrated
in the H2020-NMBP-NEXTOWER project, collaborating with scientists across Europe.
We are looking for highly motivated, ambitious and talented PostDoc researchers. The selected candidate
will be based at the Excellence Research Center ICCRAM in Burgos, Spain, possibly performing research
stays at the research and development agency ENEA in Rome, Italy, and the University of Oxford, UK.
Candidates must have a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, or a related field. The
working language will be English, although knowledge of the Spanish language is desirable.
Experience and interest in the following will be positively valued:
- Thermodynamic modeling (i.e. CalPhad method).
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (e.g. ANSYS Fluent, OpenFOAM).
- Computational methods (e.g. Finite Element Methods, Finite Difference Methods).
- Numerical programming skills (e.g. C/C++, Fortran, Python, Matlab).
- Multi-scale modeling (Finite Element/Difference, meso-scale modeling, molecular dynamics).
- Capacity to work in a team, flexibility, willing to carry out international research stays and
research motivation and enthusiasm.
- Strong written and oral communication skills in English.
- Broad experience, published articles, participation in European projects.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Postdoctoral contract with an annual gross income of €30.000-€35.000 dependent on the candidate's
ICCRAM (International Research Center in CRMs for Advanced Industrial Technologies), is an
International Excellence Research Center located at Universidad de Burgos facilities, which is developing
activities in the following areas: Biophysics, Biotechnology, Industrial Technology, Materials science,
Nanosafety, Materials design, Nanotechnology, Nuclear technology, Resource management efficiency,
Eco-innovation and Substitution of critical raw materials. ICCRAM is a major partner in international
organizations such as EU-NANOfutures or the International Nanotechnology Industries Association
(NIA) with participation in eleven H2020 European projects (
and 3 international actions in the framework of COST, EERA, and ITER.
[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: SENIOR R&D Project Manager vacancy
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
ICCRAM‐UNIVERSIDAD de BURGOS is looking for a SENIOR R&D Project
ICCRAM (International Research Center in CRMs for Advanced Industrial Technologies), is an
International Excellence Research Center located at Universidad de Burgos facilities, which is developing
activities in the following areas: Biophysics, Biotechnology, Industrial Technology, Materials science,
Nanosafety, Materials design, Nanotechnology, Nuclear technology, Resource management efficiency,
Eco‐innovation and Substitution of critical raw materials. ICCRAM is a major partner in international
organizations such as EU‐NANOfutures or the International Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA)
with participation in eleven H2020 European projects (
and 3 international actions in the framework of COST, EERA, and ITER.
We are looking for an experienced Research and Development Project Manager interested in
conducting catalysis of EU activities in synergy with ICCRAM, the City Council of Burgos, and the EU
Center for enterprises and innovation (CEEI).
Candidates must be in possession of a University Degree. PhD will be highly appreciated.
5 years experience or above as a Project Manager in European Projects will be required.
Candidates must have proven experience and proficiency in some of the following tasks:
‐ Participation and assistance in managing international research projects and development of
innovation policies at European level.
‐ Past experience in the design of new Circular Economy European policies.
‐ Competences in the identification of economic and political risks in the field of raw materials and its
trade with the European Union.
‐ Institutional relationship: support to find partners and to attend events, analysing opportunities for
cooperation and support to draft proposals in which ICCRAM‐UBU participates as a partner or as
‐ Projects implementation: advice for negotiation and establishment of formal commitments,
elaboration of reports, support for activities launches and economic and administrative management
(adaptation of project requirements to the internal procedure of Universidad de Burgos, project
management and schedules parts monitoring).
‐ European Accountability: projects justification and audits preparation.
‐ Experience on any of the following EU programs: Smart Cities, Innosup, Circular Economy.
Candidates with the following competences will be prioritized:
‐ University Degrees in the branch of Science or Engineering.
‐ Technical skills to manage and carry out European projects.
‐ Previous experience in FP7 or H2020 EU funding programs
‐ Working capacity as a member of a team, flexibility and high motivation.
‐ High level of English.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Salary range: 25.000‐40.000 brut/year depending on experience.
[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: PostDoc vacancy. ICARUS project.
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
ICCRAM-University of Burgos (Spain) has a PostDoc vacancy related to the design, characterization, and
modeling of High Entropy Alloys, Super alloys and Nanostructured stable alloys.
Under the most competitive and prestigious scientific call within the H2020 looking for highly risk, forefront
technologies, ICCRAM coordinates at EU level the FET-OPEN project ICARUS – GA- 713514. ICARUS
proposes a new methodology to discover new nanocrystalline tailored alloys, capable of exhibit incredible
response and self-healing properties under extreme conditions. Results of ICARUS will be tested and innovated
in first line industries under the support of the European Space Agency.
The Excellence Research Center ICCRAM ( has a 24 month PostDoc vacancy for
the design, characterization, molecular and thermodynamical modeling of a next generation of
multicomponent alloys
The candidate will be involved in thermodynamical design of multicomponent alloys, targeting a high
temperature stable nanostructure, with the aim of creating a new generation of super alloys with superior thermomechanical
resistance, thermal shock resistance, radiation resistance and mechanical performance and durability.
The PostDoc candidate will be integrated in the H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-ICARUS-GA-713514,
collaborating with scientists across Europe.
We are looking for highly motivated, ambitious and talented PostDoc researchers. The selected candidate will be
based at the Excellence Research Center ICCRAM in Burgos, Spain, possibly performing research stays at the
University of Cagliari, Italy, and the University of Miskolc, Hungary.
Candidates must have a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, or a related field. The working
language will be English, although knowledge of the Spanish language is desirable.
Experience and interest in the following will be positively valued:
• Thermodynamic modeling of alloys (i.e. CalPhad method).
• Experience in molecular/multiscale modelling of materials (FEM, MD, DFT, kMC or similar), and
computer programming skills will be also considered.- Previous experience of participation in EUprojects,
with deliverables responsibility will be taken into account.
• Have an excellent level and record of publications on DFT and ab-initio calculations. Particular
expertise in magnetic materials will be highly valuable. Computational methods (e.g. Finite Element
Methods, Finite Difference Methods).
• Excellent numerical programming skills (e.g. C/C++, Fortran, Python, Matlab).
• Multi-scale modeling (Finite Element/Difference, meso-scale modeling, molecular dynamics).
• Capacity to work in a team, flexibility, willing to carry out international research stays and research
motivation and enthusiasm.
• Strong written and oral communication skills in English.
• Broad experience, published articles, participation in European projects.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Postdoctoral contract with an annual gross income of €30.000-€35.000 dependent on the candidate's experience.
ICCRAM (International Research Center in CRMs for Advanced Industrial Technologies), is an International
Excellence Research Center located at Universidad de Burgos facilities, which is developing activities in the
following areas: Biophysics, Biotechnology, Industrial Technology, Materials science, Nanosafety, Materials
design, Nanotechnology, Nuclear technology, Resource management efficiency, Eco-innovation and Substitution
of critical raw materials. ICCRAM is a major partner in international organizations such as EU-NANOfutures or
the International Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) with participation in eleven H2020 European
projects ( and 3 international actions in the framework of
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[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Becas para el curso de emprendimiento digital
Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
Institución:Fundación UNED
Buenos días:
Soy Beatriz Tejada, Directora del Curso Conviértete en Influencer. Escribo para hacer llegar la información de la 1ª edición de este curso online, organizado por la Fundación UNED, que se celebrará entre el próximo 5 de octubre y el 18 de diciembre. Existen becas de hasta un 50% para desempleados, estudiantes o antiguos estudiantes de la UNED y la Fundación UNED. El plazo de matrícula está ya abierto. La matrícula es bonificable para empleados a través de la Fundación Tripartita.
Para inscribirse o disponer de más información, puede consultarse:
También puede visitarse la web del curso:
Un cordial saludo
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Llamamos influencer a personas con autoridad suficiente para que su mensaje sea reconocido como tendencia, sea cual sea su ámbito de especialización, y con una presencia destacada en el entorno digital. Los influencers, o influidores en castellano, tienen una comunidad de seguidores muy numerosa que reciben positivamente sus recomendaciones, valoran sus opiniones sobre productos, estilo de vida, etc. Esto atrae la atención de grandes marcas, medios de comunicación, o editoriales, logrando convertir sus aficiones en un medio de vida gracias a la publicidad, o productos generados a partir de su presencia digital.
El curso Conviértete en Influencer está pensado para ayudarte a desarrollar una estrategia online de éxito, que permita tener un modelo de negocio online. Para ello analizaremos los factores de éxito de la comunicación en red y cómo generar contenidos que puedan resultar atractivos para nuestro público objetivo. Aprenderemos a usar un lenguaje verbal y audiovisual que potencie nuestra estrategia. Además, una vez se disponga de contenidos, veremos cómo se pueden dinamizar en redes sociales. El siguiente paso será aprender a evaluar los resultados obtenidos y compararlos con los de otros influencers. Por último veremos de qué métodos disponemos en Internet para obtener ingresos publicitarios.
[Lo mejor] ¿Verduras congeladas o frescas? Participa en nuestra encuesta | Cenar tomate, ¿es sano o engorda? | La relación entre la dieta y el estado de ánimo |

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016
Curso de Elaboración de Proyectos H2020 y Jornada Planteamiento Estratégico
Curso de Elaboración de Proyectos H2020 y Jornada Planteamiento Estratégico
Creado en CEEI Valencia el 29/09/2016 |