jueves, 12 de junio de 2014


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Contacto correo-e:mdorma@uv.es

Vacancies are available for the incorporation of PhD students who wish to carry out their research in the project of Dra. Barrachina's group "Modulation Of Epithelial Autophagy By Macrophages: Relevance For Wound Healing In Crohn´S Disease".

Summary: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a highly prevalent pathology characterised by alternating phases of remission and clinical relapse. Its pharmacological treatment is far from wholly effective since, rather than providing a cure, it is limited to increasing the duration of clinical remission periods and slowing down the destructive and progressive course of the disease, which eventually culminates in intestinal failure and serious complications. In recent years, mucosal healing has been established as a key goal in the treatment of IBD, as it allows for sustained clinical remission and resection-free survival of patients. The addition of anti-TNF agents to conventional anti-inflammatory/immunodepressor therapy has allowed significant progress in this respect, but there are still a high percentage of patients in whom mucosal healing is not achieved. In this context, a better understanding of the etiopathogenesis of IBD is needed in order to develop new and more effe
ctive therapeutic approaches.

PhD student should apply for two fellowships in order to support his/her expenses in Valencia (house rent,..):

VALi+d: http://www.cece.gva.es/poci/es/ayudas_becas_2014.htm

Beca predoctoral Atracció de Talent" de VLC-CAMPUS de la Universidad de Valencia: http://www.uv.es/uvweb/universitat/es/recerca-transferencia/programa-propi-uv-ajudes-investigacio/convocatories/ajudes-predoctorals-1285896608661.html

The grant is a 4-year full-time contract. Position allocated in Universidad de Valencia-CIBERehd (Valencia) (https://www.pharmacologyvalencia.com). Tentative starting date Sept-Oct 2014.

-Master degree finished or in progress.
- A highly motivated science master student with a BSc score > 2.2 (1-4).
- Training in Biology and Molecular Biochemistry.
- Hardworker, eager to learn, capacity for team work.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Applicants must send a copy of the CV AND SCORE before July 31th to:
mdorma@uv.es and Dolores.barrachina@uv.es

Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:

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