Latest News
- Call for contributions for next AAL Forum - Closing date is extended to 12 May 2011.
(1 April 2011) The call for contributions for next AAL Forum has been published. AAL invites contributions from researchers and practitioners that wish to contribute to the discussion. Closing date of call for contributions is extended to 12 May 2011. The annual conference of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP), the AAL Forum, this year in its third edition, will take place in Lecce, Italy, between 26 and 28 September 2011. The objective of the Forum – which will gather industry stakeholders, researchers, entrepreneurs, end-users and policy makers – is three-fold: assess progress and show concrete results of the AAL Joint Programme projects; focus on possible ways to bring AAL innovative solutions to the market; discuss relevant EU initiatives in the field, particularly the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
- RegioStars – The Awards for Regional Innovative Projects: call is launched
(20 April 2011) The call for RegioStars 2012 for projects supported by EU regional policy is now launched. The objective of the RegioStars Awards is to identify good practices in regional development and to highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions. Are eligible projects that have been co-financed under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund or Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) after 1 January 2000. Note this year's award category for INCLUSIVE GROWTH - Strategies, initiatives or projects addressing the challenge of demographic change and supporting active ageing (2012 is the "European Year of Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity"). The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 July 2011.
- Take part in a survey on e-Accessibility
(28 April 2011) On behalf of the European Commission, Technosite, NOVA and CNIPA are carrying out the "Monitoring eAccessibility" Study. This study will provide an overview of the status and progress of eAccessibility-related policies and technologies in 14 selected European countries and three non-European countries. The topic of this Study is "eAccessibility", in other words the ways that people with disabilities and others (such as older people) overcome the technical barriers and difficulties they experience when trying to participate on equal terms in the information society. ICT is increasingly essential for daily life and work. ICT contributes to efficiency and quality of public services, business opportunities, workers' productivity and overall competitiveness. The survey is open until 8 May.
- EU wants to steer innovation on Active and Healthy Ageing
(2 May 2011) The number of Europeans aged 65+ is expected to increase by 45% between 2008 and 2030, and even further to over 30% of the population by 2060. This major challenge needs to be tackled at EU level to help older Europeans enjoy an active and healthy life. Meeting in Brussels for the first time today, an EU-led Steering Group will discuss how to improve the health and quality of life of older people, increase sustainability of healthcare systems and create new growth and market opportunities for Europe. This high level Steering Group is jointly chaired by Vice President Neelie Kroes and Commissioner John Dalli and includes Member States, regions, industry, health- and social care professionals, elderly and patient organisations and other interest groups. The strategy will form an integral part of Europe 2020's Innovation Union and Digital Agenda flagships.
- Launch of the website of the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations
(2 May 2011) 2012 is the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. A chance for all of us to reflect on how Europeans are living longer and staying healthier than ever before — and to realise the opportunities that represents.
- Come and celebrate Europe this Saturday!
(3 May 2011) On May 7, 2011, the Berlaymont building - the heart of the European Commission - opens its doors. Come and visit the European Commission's Research and Technology exhibition of EU-funded projects in the area of "serious/applied games" and have some serious fun with us! Everybody is welcome, from children to grandparents: no specific knowledge is needed to participate.
- 'How to unleash Europe's ICT innovations? - discuss with politicians, researchers and entrepreneurs'
10 May 2011 Brussels, Belgium
Join the FITT conference on ICT technology transfer within the scope of Europe 2010, Innovation Union and Digital Agenda: Meet European stakeholders involved in ICT research, technology transfer and innovation policy and share your experience and knowledge in order to jointly improve the transfer of Europe's excellent ICT research results into marketable business opportunities! The FITT project – Fostering interregional Exchange in ICT Technology Transfer – aims to close the gap between research and business in order to maximize the exploitation of ICT innovation potentials for social and economic prosperity. To achieve this, the project enables exchange between Technology Transfer Practitioners from innovative regions in Europe. The FITT project is co-funded by the European Union (Interreg IVB NWE).
- Media Invitation to eHealth Week 2011
10 May 2011 - 12 May 2011 SYMA Center, Budapest, Hungary
Media are welcome to register to the eHealth Week "Investing in Health Systems of the Future"
Contact: eHealth@ec.europa.eu
- Support for companies developing Ambient Assisted Living solutions to achieve the market breakthrough
7 June 2011 Brussels, Belgium
The underlying motivation for the workshop is the potential for significant economic and social impact from the introduction – on a wide scale – of innovative AAL solutions. While this potential has been recognized for some time, breakthroughs in terms of widespread availability and deployment of solutions have yet to be achieved. The EU and the AAL Association have funded activities in this area for some years, and some of these are now at a stage in their development where direct hands-on involvement of development companies is the best way to make sure that this work produces results that are effective and applicable in real industrial settings. The workshop is directed at companies whose business involves the development of software components or complete solutions for AAL (Ambient Assisted Living). The participation of SMEs is particularly welcome. The workshop is organised by the AAL Open Association, the European Commission – ICT for Inclusion unit, and supported by the AAL Association.
See also: Registration
New in the Library
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, European Innovation for Ageing Well
Towards the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations (2012) Conference Brussels, 29 April 2011
- Video report of Get Online Week 2011
28 April 2011
The main aim of Get online week 2011 campaign ( 28 February - 5 March 2011) was to bring online those people who had never accessed the internet before. The campaign was successful: in only one week, it reached more than one hundred thousand Europeans in about 5,000 telecentres in 30 countries across Europe. The Europe-wide campaign was launched by Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission, in Brussels. The video shows highlights of the Brussels launch event and testimonials of some of the participants.
See also: The campaign report presents more testimonials, from across Europe.
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